What I'm Reading: Roxane Gay's "Bad Feminist"

To say I'm infatuated with this book would be an understatement. (A little late to the party considering this came out in 2014.)

Writer, author, and all-American literary badass Roxane Gay is everything I strive to be: a pop culture critic who has a lot to say about our current state of affairs as well as her obsession with the trivial trials and tribulations within YA series like Sweet Valley High.

She has a f**kton of insightful things to say about gender, sexuality, race, religion, friendships...and the wonders of the Real Housewives franchise and Girls.

It doesn't matter if you have a penis or a vagina. This book speaks to everyone. Whatever gender you identify with, her collection of essays will open your mind and truly allow yourself to see things from a perspective you probably never considered before.

Below is a short piece of Roxane, introducing the book, but I also suggest checking out on YouTube some of her lengthier discussions on panels at her many speaking engagements across the country.



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