Comic-Con 2014: What to Expect This Year

Frankly, I don't know what to expect this year (my eighth!) because my schedule won't allow me to get an early start on the geekfest that is Comic-Con.

Well, maybe I do...Complaints about the line to get into Hall H. Sweating my ass off while trying to cross the street and carry a bag of swag I don't really need. And attempting to meet up with acquaintances amidst the crowds of cosplayers and nerds in need of deodorant.

However, I do have one thing penciled in my schedule: On Saturday I will be transformed into a zombie courtesy of the make-up team from The Walking Dead (for a piece I'll be writing). I'm already brainstorming hashtags and Instagram captions for the inevitable photos. Stay tuned.

And if you still don't know what Comic-Con is at this point, then why are we friends?



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