SUMMER16: The Playlist

*UPDATED 6.19.16
There's just something about a summer playlist.

Chock-full of tunes designed to make your season sizzle, a good summer playlist is meant to be blared wherever you go during the next three months: backyard barbecues, beach trips, pool parties, and everywhere in between.

This year's playlist, fittingly titled SUMMER16 (forgive my lack of imagination this time around), should hopefully keep the festivities rolling along. I've curated more than 60 tunes to please all crowds. I've got a fair share of earworms, booty shakers, and chillout numbers to keep you busy til Labor Day.

HOWEVER, A DISCLAIMER: If you wish to hear some Beyonce (ahem, "Freedom" and "6 Inch"), you can request my iPod DJing services, and I'll be happy to provide a more comprehensive set (Damn you, Spotify!)




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